Job Position Associate Pastor
Associate Pastor of Family, Youth and Compassion Ministries at Hinton Alliance Church (09/04/24)
General Concept of the Role: Two main areas of focus.
1) First to provide vision and pastoral leadership to the family oriented ministries.
This includes children, youth, and young family ministries.
2) Second, to provide vision and pastoral leadership to our compassion ministry
teams for the community of Hinton.
Role Description broken down by focus and given approximate percentage of time
65% of the time the Associate Pastor would seek to provide vision and to generate
ministry to families by creating, strengthening, building, equipping, encouraging and
● the nursery (aka Harvest Church) team leader
● the children’s ministries leadership team
● Hands on with youth ministry and working with the youth leadership team
● set the example of lifestyle mentoring and discipling on a regular basis. This would
include meeting with people 1on1 and to promote a “3 in 30”* cultural mindset within the
20% of the role of the Associate Pastor will be to:
● Work with the key leaders and their team of people to minister the compassion of Jesus
to the needy and lonely people from within our church but primarily from our township,
seeking to minister the gospel of grace through loving acts.
15% of the role of Associate Pastor will be to:
● preaching in our services approximately 12-14 times per year ( a little more than once
per month)
● assisting the senior pastor with general pastoral duties when called upon to do so as
● If needed to work with the Western Canadian District leadership in order to become an
Ordained Official Worker of the Christian and Missionary Alliance of Canada and to work
towards ordination within the first 3 years of ministry.
*3 in 30 ministry is an organic approach to mentoring/discipling others by taking 30 minutes
weekly to Pray, Share life together, and Discuss a passage of scripture together either as one
on one or in small groups no larger than 3 people.

Structure: Associate Pastor of Family, Youth and Compassion Ministries
● The Associate Pastor is accountable to the Senior Pastor and reports to the Senior
Pastor. The Senior Pastor will give oversight, review and direction to this position.
● The Associate Pastor is reported to by all those who give leadership and support to the
areas of oversight assigned to The Associate Pastor in HAC.
● The Associate Pastor is a team member of the HAC Staff and will work together with the
Part-Time Administrator, Part-Time Counselor and the Senior Pastor as an active team
member and participate in the weekly staff meetings.
● The Associate Pastor will work with the Senior Pastor, staff and the board of elders to
give assistance as needed with the five ministry values of HAC. (see below)
Full Time Salary:
● Salaries and benefits packages will be in accordance with the Western Canadian District
of the Alliance Canada and Hinton Alliance Church remuneration standards for a full time
pastor. This will be discussed with the successful candidate.
Qualities Needed for this Role:
Must have at least 5 years of pastoral ministry experience and be available for a full time
ministry role.
Post Secondary Degree is not essential but desired along with a desire to seek ordination if
needed in the Western Canadian District of the Alliance Canada.
A Birkman Signature Report is not essential but desired if you have one please include it with
your resume.
The work of the Associate Pastor is to be performed honestly, diligently and faithfully, working
together in a leadership team fashion with the Senior Pastor, Staff, the elders and leadership of
The Associate Pastor must at all times maintain the biblical character qualities of an elder. The
Associate Pastor will provide reports as requested, and have input into all discussions through
the Senior Pastor.
Structural Information Regarding Hinton Alliance Church
Purpose: Loving God, Serving People
Vision: Hinton Alliance, passionate about loving God and revealing his love in our
Ministry Values:
1. Worship/Prayer – We live to honor God. "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and
with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.” Mark 12:30
2. Front Line – We seek to welcome people and take care of our property. “Each one
should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its
various forms.” 1 Peter 4:10
3. Outreach – We live to share the Good News. “The time has come,” he said. “The kingdom
of God is near. Repent and believe the good news!” Mark 1:15
4. Community – We seek to make this a place to belong to God’s family.“So in Christ
we who are many form one body, and each member belongs to all the others.” Romans 12:5
5. Growth – We live to be mature followers of Jesus Christ. “Until we all reach unity in
the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of
the fullness of Christ.” Ephesians 4:13
All enquiries and resumes should be directed to the senior pastor via email at